The 3 fundamental components necessary to develop a dynamic, living embodied practice. These elements enable you to take meditation and healing off the pillow, and bring your consciousness into daily life. It takes some time and commitment to establish, but healing as you go any resistance or pitfalls is what makes it all come together and work for you. In this video I share also some of the common challenges, and how to work through them. I invite you to try this out, and let me know in the comments how it goes for you.
Leanora & Embody Truth
Leanora is the founder of Embody Truth. She is passionate about the synergy to be found between spirituality and trauma healing. Embody Truth is herĀ unique expression of a powerful journey of healing, integration and embodiment which was initiated in an awakening experience in 1991. For the last ten years Leanora has been sharing this work directly with both individuals and groups. We are excited toĀ be collaborating with her on an online program calledĀ Heart Centre Sovereignty: 7 Week Soul InitiationĀ and to be sharing theseĀ inspired offerings.