This series of 10 Minute Meditations guided by Hedwig Bakker are an opportunity to experience a quality of wakefulness, of ‘being exactly where you are’ in every moment of life. Each month we will introduce a new episode for you to tune into or download. Read more about the series >
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Meditations for Mindfulness
Track 4: Eating Mindfully
Eating is an act of kindness – every mouthful is a deeply nourishing gift that we can give ourselves. Being present to our food is an integral element to receiving the sustenance, joy and deliciousness of life – almost as if you are adding an extra quality to it. We suggest repeating this meditation as many times as you like. Each time it will deepen your relationship with eating in a mindful way – so that every meal can be more than just about getting food into you- it can be wholesome, satisfying and deeply nourishing.
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Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 11:55